Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tupperware Fridgesmart Giveaway

I'm giving away a set of 3 Tupperware Fridgesmart Containers; the above two, plus the smaller square container.

Contest is open to those over the age of 18 with a U.S. mailing address.

Mandatory entry: Share a fruit or veggie tip or recipe with me, such as chew gum while cutting onions to avoid tearing (that tip will not count for an entry)

Extra entries:

Subscribe to my blog via Feedburner
Subscribe to my newsletter
Blog about this giveaway and post the URL
Tweet about this giveaway and post the URL to the tweet
Friend request me on Facebook http://profile.to/audreyokaneko

Contest ends October 11th at 11:59 p.m. pacific time. Winner will be drawn on Sunday the 12th and notified via email. Winner will have 48 hours to respond. If winner does not respond, an alternate winner will be chosen.

Audrey :)


Amy's Stocking Stuffers said...

My fruit/veggie tip is to take raw veggies out of the fridge at least a half hour before you eat them. They have much more flavor when they come up a little in temp from the ultra cold in the fridge. (Also, if possible, tomatoes shouldn't be stored in the fridge at all -- MUCH more flavor if kept at room temp.)

My e-mail address is stockingstufferaday at gmail dot com. Thanks!

TheAtticGirl said...

Here's a yummy recipe for veggie dip:
1 (16 oz.) container of creamy cottage cheese
1 pkg. of dry Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix
1 tbsp. of mayonnaise

Mix together. A great dip for fresh veggies.

My email is donnyandshelly (at) (yahoo) (dot) (com)

Gosfam said...

My tip is when making guacamole you can keep the avocado pit in the guac right up to serving to prevent it from browning.


peg42 said...

My tip is to clean, wash and cut up celery as soon as you get it from the store. Then store it in a container of water in the fridge. The celery lasts longer and it's ready for a quick snack too.

peg42 said...

I'm an email subscriber. Thanks.

tawndam said...

if you put onion in the freezer for a few minutes, you can generally get it cut before the tears start

ohstac said...

We love fresh asparagus on the grill in the summer--keep it standing up in a container of water in the fridge to keep it fresh.

BargainFun said...

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demmi said...

you can cut up your carrots and they will keep good if you cover them in water con5459(at)gmail(dot)com


When purchasing berries from the grocery store, shop with your nose. Always pick the plumpest and most fragrant berries. They should be firm, bright, and fresh looking with no mold or bruises, and fresh green caps. The caps should be bright green, fresh looking and fully attached. Berries should be dry and clean; usually medium to small berries have better eating quality than large ones

Strawberries do not ripen after they have been harvested, so choose strawberries that have been picked fully ripened. They should have bright red color, natural shine and fresh looking green caps.

Unknown said...

I put salt on those onions and works wonders from the odors !

llinda29 said...

freeze all leftover veggys for future soups

Lim said...

Get a flat hunk of basalt that's about half an inch thick and put it on the grill. Treat it like your indoor stoneware (scrape it, don't soap and water it.) You can do veggies without them falling through the grate or using up foil and you don't need oil or anything. It gets better with age and even my veggie hating Father thinks the zucchini is delish! I also flip it over to do fish.

wantsandwishes said...

For cilantro I wash it then dry well then I wrap a wet paper towel around the bottom of the stems to keep it hydrated. Change frequently. This will keep it fresher longer.

Abby said...

When you slice apples for kids lunches spray them with lemon juice to prevent them from turning brown.

ajcmeyer at go dot com

Chrystal said...

Found some good tips here! My tip is to smell herbs and spices before you add them to foods, you'll be able to tell if they go with what you're making or not! harleychrys at hotmail dot com

JC said...

Store cleaned, cut-up vegetables in the fridge at eye level so you'll remember to pick them up as quick snacks.

Prepare onions under tap water to avoid tearing.

JC said...


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http://tcarolinep.blogspot.com/2009/09/giveaway-audreys-spot-for-recipe-ips.html blogged.

Unknown said...

Ok here's my favorite secret. Use an egg slicer for perfectly sliced strawberries. Takes far less time as well.

Liz said...

Buy lots of peppers when they are cheap and in season. Cut them in the ways you would use them in recipes (strips, mostly, for me) and freeze them in portions.

Sharon Harmon said...

I have a different fail-proof no-tear onion tip! Do not open your mouth or talk while cutting the onion. I never get tears when I do this! Happy Fall!

Pat said...

I love softened Philadelphia cream cheese with Paul Newman's mango salsa for dipping celery and carrot sticks.

Cletal said...

To extend the freshness of those mini carrots that always seem to have an expiration date of only one week or so,empty bag into a colander rinse well with cold water shake off excess water and store in air tight container in the refrigerator. Mine always last at the least 3wks.

Jeanine said...

if you put an onion in the fridge before cutting, you won't tear up. also, don't store apples and bananas together because the apples will make the bananas go bad faster.

Jeanine said...

fb friend jeanine feldkamp

Metal Momma said...

1 tub cream cheese + 1 tub of cool whip makes a great fruit dip

marthajane said...

After cutting or handling onions, rub your fingers on your stainless steel faucet or sink while washing your hands. No more odor!

Deborah Wellenstein said...

My absoltely fool-proof method to avoid tears while cutting onions: I have my husband do it!

mogrill said...

Its been said but cutting onions under water really helps! Thanks for the chance.

Tinyblessing said...

put baby carrots in a bag with a little salt for kids lunch

Bombtastic Belle said...

You should leave tomoatoes out of the fridge - the cold ruins them. Put paper towels in th ebag with the lettuce to soak up water so the water doesn't ruin it.

clc408 said...

Hummus is so easy to make and helps make raw veggies so easy to eat. Find a good recipe and have at it!

Anonymous said...

To make a great fruit dip, mix equal amounts of sour cream and brown sugar, add a drop or two of vanilla extract and a pinch of cinnamon. I love that stuff.

Anonymous said...

rub your hands with salt before cutting up an onion and the smell want get on your hands.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...



Melissa said...

yummy vegetable dip:
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
3/4 cup grated carrots
1/2 cup diced celery
1/2 cup diced green pepper
1/3 cup diced green onions

serve with crackers or bread or pretzels

NM said...

Keep your mushrooms in a paper bag in the fridge to keep them fresh longer (if you don't have the Tupperware Fridgesmart containers).

Email: the_michaels_r_neat at yahoo dot com

cksknitter said...

Wrapping celery in aluminum foil will make it stay fresh much longer.
Chrissy at knittoday(at)hotmail(dot)com

Marie said...

I always cut my onions under water so I want tear up.


Unknown said...

Smack garlic with the flat of your knife, skins will slip right off.

Anonymous said...

A nice big old Salad of any type. Fruit, Greens anything. Any salad is great. Have a wonderful Friday :)

debiwelbon said...

When boiling eggs - take a straight pin and put a little hole in each end - it will usually not crack and spill while boiling then

JeansandTs said...

Use two cottage cheese lids to put grape tomatoes between then slice them in two by running knife between the lids. They will be all the same size and you can slice many at a time.

Sarah said...

Throw (peeled) bananas on the verge of too brown to eat into the freezer. When they're good and frozen, dip them in melted chocolate and roll in crushed peanuts. Yum!

Alicia said...

my tip is to get all your veggies in a V-8, preferably as a bloody mary. LOL

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

brokenteepee said...

To roast cauliflower I put it in a pan with some olive oil, salt, pepper. I mix it up. Then I add some cumin and paprika. Mix again and bake at 350* for about 45 min to an hour until just soft.

It's yummy.

brokenteepee said...

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bison61 said...

a veggie dip that we like for dipping is: 1 cup of sour cream, 1 cup of mayo 1 T dillweed 1 T parsley and 1/2 T season salt

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

LaurenS said...

When peeling garlic, first smash it with the bottom of a glass bottle. It will come right out of the peel easily.


Beeb said...

This is my absolute fave broccoli recipe - delicious and simple:


My veggie tip? Put leftover scraps to use in a stir-fry! Thank you for the giveaway!

supercoupongirl AT gmail.com

Denise said...

My tip is: Use the Debbie Meyer green bags, they really work!

Does your sample tip about chewing gum while chopping onions actually work?

Pat said...

To keep celery for a long time- cut off the bottom of the stalks and wrap tightly in aluminum foil.

jen said...

To ripen tomatoes set them in your window sill until they are the perfect red.

Anonymous said...

You can keep vegetables longer in those special vegetable bags. They really do work. Store basil in a jar of water or an herb keeper.

reneetousignant said...

To keep celery crisp, wrap a piece of paper towel around it--sprinkle with water, then put in aluminum foil & place in crisper/frig.

puye said...

Just want to win

sweetsue said...

When I have fruit that is getting spots on it, I cut off the bad spots and make a smoothie with the rest.
smchester at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

These are extra special too bad Tupperware has gone down with the fun at their parties. Especially those with seasonal goodies and sales. Thanks Sw//raymoncw345@Aol.com

Barbara Montag said...

I roll an orange before peeling it.
Peels much easier.

Barbara Montag said...

Tweet! @JalapenoMama

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Barbara Montag

Becca said...

I'm laughing at the person who said to use those green bags. They seem to speed up the aging process of everything I stick in them and I was going to suggest not to use them. I wonder what I am doing wrong lol

GabbyLowe said...

Using healthy dips will encourage your kids to eat fruit and veggies


GabbyLowe said...



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Anonymous said...

When baby carrots start to look whiteish, rinse them in cold water to make them orange and shiney again.

Deborah said...

I peel onions under running water - no tears! asthenight at gmail dot com

vwestermeyer said...

run your hands over stainless steel after cutting onions to rid your hands of the smell

katie klein said...

My tip is to always keep a mixture of raw veggies chopped up in your fridge so you have something healthy to grab and eat!

mail4rosey said...

Grind lemon in the garbage disposal to get rid of nasty smells.


Anonymous said...

This is a tip I learned at an Indian restaurant. The provide a container of what I was told is Anise seed. You chew them after the meal and it makes the spicy hotness go away (better than milk).


Celeste said...

My tip: When you buy green onions, out them in a cup of water in the fridge...they will keep growing. You won't have to buy green onions for QUITE a while!

contact me at:

barbara said...

My veggie tip is that if you make them look good, the kids will eat them. Make carrot curls, radish roses, celery fans, and anything else you can think of.

barbara said...

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Sharon said...

Where a pair of goggles when cutting onions, or any peppers that may hurt your eyes...I use my kids old ones from floor hockey..but right after you remove, was your hands immediately because the juice from the veggie will be on the goggle

Sharon said...

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ali said...

Hold a piece of bread in your mouth while cutting onions. It works!

THANK YOU! atraditionalsurro at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

To get those last tomatoes from your garden to ripen, place them in a paper bag on your counter for a few days.


Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

If you have that last couple pieces of fruit that nobody seems to want (like the last few blueberries or strawberries) because they're a little soft, incorporate them into a dessert (mixed with ice cream or pair with whipped cream and put over pound cake/shortcake), turn them into a smoothie, or mix with yogurt!!

ash2448 said...

Tip: Cut or crush garlic, then let it sit for 5-10 minutes before adding it to your recipe, doing this makes the garlic more nutritious and improves it's cancer reducing power.

ASHays AT msn DOT com

Lower Mitten Kitten said...

My tip is to have cut up veggies in the fridge so they are easy to eat.

Devon said...

Clean the stems, etc off of blueberries before freezing them... but don't wash them. Put them in the container and then wash them when you pull them out of the freezer later for use. That way they won't stick into one big clump in the freezer!

Dan DL said...

My tip is for grilling Asparagus, clean then skewer the Asparagus on to wood Skewers so it looks like a raft almost, then brush with olive oil and sprinkle garlic powder and parmesan cheese on it, then grill at high for short time on both sides.

Michele said...

Thank you for the giveaway.

Use lemon juice on sliced apples when working with them to help keep them from browning.

Add chopped garlic to olive oil and baste bell peppers while they are grilling outside.

bmh2448 said...

Veggie tip: Salad greens keep longer if they are placed loosely in an airtight container (such as this Tupperware FridgeSmart container) and stored it in the bottom and at the back, the coldest spot of your fridge.
gigatron AT msn DOT com

camper223 said...

roll your lemons for a couple of minutes before squeezing has more juice. When making radish flowers I soak in hot water immediately after making flower, they open so much better.
I have tried holding a onion under running water when peeling, also put a piece of bread in mouth when peeling.

Thank you so very very much


camper223 said...

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Frances said...

When chopping a lot of jalapenos, always wear good gloves. It is too easy to poke holes in cheap disposable gloves. I learned the hard way!

fperkins2000 at yahoo.com

Frances said...

I just found you and now I am a follower. Great blog!

fperkins2000 @ yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Store fruits and vegetables in "green bags" that you can buy in the supermarket. Food stays fresh and crisp much longer. This works especially well for celery, carrots and bananas. Thanks for this offer.

Brochure Printing said...

I just realized that I don't have any good fruit and veggie tip or recipe. I really should be spending more time in the kitchen rather than in my bedroom, sleeping. :D
But I love the tips that I'm learning from these people!

Debbie said...

I'll give you two more no tears tips for cutting onions, Audrey! If you wear contact lenses, your eyes won't tear. Wear a mask (nose only needed) and your eyes won't tear.

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Debbie said...

I've subscribed via Feedburner. BTW, there's no link for subscribing to the newsletter. The link doesn't show up for me, anyway, just the text in the sidebar.

Kimberly said...

My tip is to freeze bananas when they are past their prime. When you have enough, defrost them for some good banana bread.

Anonymous said...

Wrapping celery in aluminum foil will make it stay fresh much longer -- and each piece is only one calorie! llpost010@gmail.com

idahomom said...

Do not leave the veggies in the plastic bags.

Unknown said...

Space, the final frontier.

ky2here said...

Put lemon in water with sliced apples and they will not brown.

Mir said...

When bananas get overly ripe (but I don't have enough for banana bread or no time to make it), I peel the banana, stick it in a freezer bag, mush it up through the bag and freeze it for when I'm ready to make banana bread.

Anonymous said...

Use celery stalks and leaves for soup stock


Laura said...

The scientific reason you tear up when you cut onions is because they release a gas that goes to the first water source it can find, which usually, when cutting onions, is your eyes! So that's why they recommend running water while you cut onions.


Melanie Montgomery said...

Tomatoes should not be store in the fridge. We grow our own and learned that mistake quickly. They actually become soft, and go bad quicker.


law cat said...

use extra leftover chopped veggies to flavor plain yogurt for a delicious dip

Unknown said...

Place your onions in the fridge a couple of hours before cutting. You won't tear up when cutting a cold onion.


law cat said...


law cat said...

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weblynx said...

make sure you have lemons at room temp and then roll on counter to get a lot of juice out of it

weblynx at hotmail.com

Marianna said...

Put a little lemon on apples or avocadoes to keep them from browning after being cut.

Susan said...

Cut up and save leftover veggies in the freezer in a Tupperware Container. When the container is full, add to some broth and meat(optional)in a pan on the stove.

Simmer. Fix some warm bread and serve with your special soup. It will taste different every time.

JaniceJ said...

Take the core out of the lettuce
and wash with cold water, put it in
a bowl with lid and it will stay

Anonymous said...

Slice apples into a shallow bowl of lemon juice to keep the slices from turning brown. stagemother{at}sbcglobal{dot}net

GarbagePaleSammy said...

Freezing grapes is a great healthy and sweet treat for kids.

Marlene McGarrity said...

Refrigerating onions before cutting them will eliminate the tears too.

queenoftheclick at yahoo.com

Jinxy and Me said...

Chop peppers when you buy them and then freeze the chopped peppers. Makes really easy cooking in the future!

arla said...

tip- Core lettuce easily with one hard smack on the counter, works every time.

arla said...

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Chris said...

When you slice apples for kids lunches spray them with lemon juice to prevent them from turning brown.

Janette said...

My favorite fruit dip is just to mix a package of cream cheese, a package of marshmallow fluff, and a little bit of orange or pineapple juice. It kinda negates the whole healthy thing, but it tastes really, really good.

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Pat said...

If fruit is starting to soften- freeze it for smoothies.

sue14625 said...

my tip Winter is coming means Soup -i put leftover veggies in a freezer bag freeze them and then when i make soup i add them so they do not go to waste

djgroz said...

ap Celery in Aluminum Foil, It will stay fresh forever!
Thanks for the chance to win a prize!

Lisa R said...

I heard that rubbing an onion on your windshield before the frost comes keeps your window from getting frost in the morning. It was in one of those books I have. Never tried it yet

Suz said...

Use the Green bags to keep fruits and veggies fresher longer when not using them right away.

txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

janetfaye said...

Add grated carrot to meatloaf mix for a moist meatloaf.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

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*Kim* said...

I've learned that if you put onions in the freezer for about 30-45 minutes before cutting, they won't make you cry!


Amy delong said...

how bout a recipe for yummy taco dip?
8oz of cream cheese
8oz of sour cream
1 bag of shredded cheese
1 can refried beans
1 head of lettuce tomatoes
1 taco mix
add cream cheese,chilli mix&sour cream mix and put on bottom of cassorole dish,then beans,then lettuce,tomatoe&cheese on top!


Sand said...

Older eggs that have been hard-boiled are easier to peel than fresher eggs.

JA said...

When you need thinly sliced meat (like for stir fry) cut the meat while still frozen. It makes it much easier!
jb8903 at gmail.com

Deb Anderson said...

tnshadylady @ hotmail.com

Place a paper towel in the bottom of the container of berries and they will last much longer because the paper towel wicks moisture away from them.

Deb Anderson said...

tnshadylady @ hotmail.com

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Kathy P said...

Pick your own! Late summer or early fall is a great time to pick your own fruits and vegetables. This can be a fun and cheap way to buy in bulk and freeze, can, or dry for later

Kathy P said...


Kathy P said...

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Pamela S said...

I grew up in the country and we always kept our tomatoes on the window sill once we picked them and brought them inside. Refrigerating tomatoes ruins them in my opinion. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Here's a recipe.

Almond Strawberry Salad


* 3 cups fresh baby spinach
* 1/2 cup sliced fresh strawberries
* 1/4 cup sliced honey-roasted almonds
* 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
* 1 tablespoon honey
* 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar


1. In a large bowl, combine the spinach, strawberries and almonds. In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine the vinegar, honey and sugar; shake well. Drizzle over salad and toss to coat. Serve immediately.


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Trish said...

My veggie tip -- cut onions under running water to avoid tearing. Works every time! flowerpowr@bellsouth.net

Sarah Z said...

My daughter loves roasted cauliflower... add olive oil, salt and cumin and then roast!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Put carrots in cold water right away...kaysweep@att.net

Becky said...

My tip is to freeze your onion before cutting to avoid tearing.

Unknown said...

Drain oil from Laura Scudder's peanut butter. Scoop and spread between long-sliced bananas like celery. Cut through each slice like there are Nilla wafers, then Saran Wrap and freeze overnight. Gotta thank Bonnie Hunt.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

I put onions in the freezer before cutting so that I don't tear up.

cman said...

I cut up a lot of my veggies and freeze them in ziplock bags such as zucchini, peppers, artichokes, mushrooms etc.
That way they don't go bad if I forget them in the fridge and I can take as little or as much as I want for soups, stir-fry etc.


You can pre cut green onions & place them in the freezer in a freezer bag or container.
Then just grab a handful when you want them in a recipe.



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Donna said...

Serve fresh fruit for a healthy desert.

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lilyk said...

I keep the avocado pit in guacamole to keep it from turning brown.

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