Each Friday, Kahlani, over at
http://www.islandlife808.com/ hosts a wonderful meme called Aloha Friday. It's the end of the week, a chance to relax and get ready for the weekend. To celebrate Aloha Friday, you ask a question and answer other questions.
My question for this week:
How often do you eat out?
I went out for pizza tonight. It was the first time I'd had pizza in quite a while.
Audrey :)
We do not eat out too often these days. Trying to be more healthy and save are reasons. If it is 2 times a month that is a lot and we usually use our coupon books to go.
Not that often since we're trying to cut back. I would say maybe twice a month. My wife and I will run down to a local mexican restaurant for a date sometimes.
Well, probably 1 or 2 times a month! It's a easy habit though to fall into..eating out alot!
Lately about once or twice a month.
We eat out a LOT, but it's for my job. So maybe 5 times a week or so. :O
Once or twice a month usually.
We've decided that since most of the restaurants in town are not ones we like anyway that we are going to go monthly up to the big city & do as much of a monthly grocery shopping trip/clothing needs/household/yard needs trip as we can. We'll also go out to dinner & maybe a movie if there's time.
We have been known to get a Little Ceasor's pizza every great once in a while to go w/ our salads.
Hi, Audrey!
We almost never eat out - mostly trying to cut back on our spending, but also there just isn't TIME! By the time we get home, the last thing we want to do is turn around and go back out, especially when we know we have to be up early the next morning.
We are, however, planning a nice anniversary dinner out soon . . .
We are cutting back so i say now maybe one or two times a month.
More than 3 times per week. I soooo hate to cook.
I'm really starting to despise eating out for several reasons. We use to eat out like twice a week but, now I usually only do for lunch meetings.
We eat out once every week. It's our special treat when no one has to cook and we can all order what we like. Aloha.
used to be on a daily basis. now never.
We eat out occasionally, which means a few times a month. It's usually McDonald's, Wendy's or something similar. :)
Not enough! I love to eat out! I have enjoyed some nice lunches out with my daughter this summer since school is out!
Before the economy went down the crapper, we'd eat out every friday. But...money is tight so we don't even do that anymore. Maybe..MAYbe once a month if that. We make our own pizza's now too. Actually, my son makes them, lol. We can top them with stuff from the garden or fridge. What a money saver!
With six kids and a single income--hardly ever. I mean maybe a couple times a year.
Once a month - if even that.
We eat out once a week if that. Usually when we have been so busy there just isn't any time to cook & we'll go to Wendy's or something.
Thanks for visiting my playground. I do appreciate it. I eat out at least once a week if a Fast Food Joint counts LOL Happy Friday :)
I definitely try not to eat out more than once a week.
Not as much as we used to. :-)
Definitely not as much as we used to. Maybe once or twice a month :(
Maybe once a month if that. We've cut down a whole lot and we are healthier for it and we have a little more money.
We rarely eat out since I became a stay-at-home mom. I really enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes.
We went out for pizza too - special treat for our little one. She's a toddler, but when it comes to pizza, she can eat as much as me. WOW!
Thanks for your lovely comment.
I hope you have a pleasant weekends.
I see you have agreat passion on food, direct sales.
Great parenting tips.
Keep it up!
Let me think of when was the last time we ate out- in June and before that it was like Dec or January.
Not often with a family our size.
We eat out maybe once a week - pizza is a must for the kids on Friday night :-)
Gee, did I comment already? Cus I meant to.
I eat out quite often as I live alone and it can be easier and less expensive than eating in for one.
On Thursday after our book interview (Prince Edward Island Tales)I had lunch with friends at Cedar's Eatery in Charlottetown.
Smiles :o)
Eating out once a week is good. It's a chance for us to taste the food offered by a lot of the restaurants around.
However, nothing beats eating home-cooked meals with your family. :)
My job requires me to spend time with others often in coffee shops or at restaurants, so it's possible to be out once a week. However, I try to limit it to just a tea or something cheap if possible! I don't really like eating out.
We used to eat out 4 or 5 days a week before I started menu planning... NOW we hardly ever eat out!!
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