Kailani over at http://islandlife808.com/ runs an Aloha Friday. Everyone posts a question of the week and then you can visit all of the blogs and answer the many great questions.
I had a plain ole cheese omlette for dinner. So my question is:
What is your favorite type of omlette?
Audrey :)
I love cheese, tomato, onions, salsa, and anything else lol
That's easy - I don't like them.....am I crazy or what?
Another omelet hater here. I don't know why, but I'm just not crazy about eggs.
It depends. But I love bell peppers and onions all the time. Sometimes I like cheese, mushroom and ham, too. A good salsa on top is also yummy. :)
mushrooms, tomatos, ham, cheese,
Personally I don't like eggs so I don't like omlettes.
I love greek omelets with feta cheese. YUM!
I love cheese, ham and veggies in my omelets!!
Bacon and Cheese!
LOL, I don't like omeletes.
Cheese, ham, and veggies!
Love lots of veggies in my omlette. Of course I also like feta, spinach and tomatoes for a Greek one.
I can't stand omelets and actually, I barely like eggs - they either have to be over easy or smothered in ketchup.
Cheese with salsa on the side :)
please don't make me eat an omelet! :(
Spiach and cheese (preferably cheddar).
ham and cheese yummm
Hubby makes the best omelets--but he won't tell me what all he puts in it. I know I don't like mushrooms in it though.
Sausage and cheese! Yum!
ham & cheese if I have to
Mmmm. . . . yummy! I LOVE RED, GREEN AND YELLOW PEPPERS, ONIONS, SALSA MAYBE A LITTLE HAM OR CRISPY BACON ~ Think I'll have hubby mix us up some omelets this weekend!
I like cheese, spinach, and tomato the best!
Don't do eggs so don't do omlettes LOL. Aloha
I like cheese, jalapenos, onion and slices of ham. Topped with salsa. lol
Ham and cheese.
Interestingly...I just made scrambled eggs with shredded cheese and mango & peach salsa.
Does that count as an omelet? Kinda sorta?
I don't eat eggs!
tomatoes & feta!
Doesn't matter a whole lot. Not too, too fond of mushrooms, but definitely NO olives! *lol*
My Aloha Friday post is at: http://bluegrassgal.wordpress.com/2009/06/19/aloha-friday-2-maybe-time-ill-get-it-right/
Green pepper, ham, cheese and bacon. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
But I don't have them much.
I love ham & cheese
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