Sunday, February 03, 2008

Burning Calories

If you're anything like me, in addition to searching for wonderful recipes, you're also looking for ways to burn off the calories of those yummy calories.

I was flipping through the February edition of Women's Day and found 3 tips for burning off 175 calories:

Stroll through the mall and window shop for an hour. I wonder if we'll burn more than 175, if we make a purchase?

Walk the dog for 40 minutes. I have two dogs, I wonder if I'll burn more than 175 calories there?

Push a baby stroller for 40 minutes. I wonder if a baby needs to be in the stroller? For those who have twins, I wonder if you'll burn more than the suggested 175 calories.

And now a few tips from me:

Park your car in the furthest spots. Walk those extra steps to wherever you're going.

Don't buy what you don't want to eat. If you buy chips, you're going to eat them. If you buy cake, you're going to eat it.

Take stairs instead of elevators and escalators.

Enjoy the game today!!

Audrey :)

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