Monday, July 28, 2008

Free Tupperware Deep Rock N Serve Bowl

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

I chose a random winner this morning (8-2-08) and the comment by Franticallysimple won. The winner has been notified by email. Thanks to all who entered.
As part of the giveaway, which you can find at I'm giving away a Tupperware Deep Rock N Serve Bowl

This is Tupperwares famous Rock N Serve bowl, made for the microwave. This bowl sells for $20.

This contest is open to U.S. residents over the age of 18. Contest closes August 1st. A random winner will be chosen and notified.

Just leave me a comment to be entered. Make sure you leave a way to reach you if you are not a blogger member.

Contest begins on July 28th, 2008 at 12:01 a.m. and ends at midnight on August 1st, 2008. A winner will be chosen on August 2nd and notified via email.
Audrey :)


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Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Count me in! :)

CityStreams said...

Oh... I love tupperware. And we've just started saving leftovers for our lunches. I even posted about it. So I could really use some more tupperware. :o) Pick me, pick me!

Anonymous said...

How fun! Thanks for having this drawing.

Betsy said...

Looks like a bowl that I could use! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sounds good. I like Tupperware. I often buy pieces from the thrift stores when I find something I like.

Please count me in to win this and be sure to stop by my contests to enter.

Unknown said...

LOVE tupperware!!! Thanks so much!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

I so love Tupperware! Sign me up!

PS said...

This looks like a great bowl! Thanks!!

CanCan said...

I need more tupperware! I almost bought some fake ones yesterday!

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

Karen said...

I could so use this, please count me in;)

kpuleski at gmail dot com

sweetsue said...

My poor old food savers have about bit the dust. I would love to win a new Tupperware bowl.

frugallm said...

I would love to own some tupperware since my food storage solution consists of old cool whip containers :)

elkmeese (at)

Kathleen Marshall said...

It has been a long time since I have had any Tupperware. Count me in. :)


Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I just mentioned to my husband that we would use some tupperware. Thanks for the great giveaway and please feel free to enter mine as well.

Jessica said...

I'd love to win this! Thanks for the chance! :)

cupiedollie said...

Ah Tupperware I've loved it every since I was old enough to play with the puzzle ball, then it was the kids play lunch set, cake serving set, baking set...I had it all! Great giveaway!

EG said...

You cannot have too much Tupperware!

Anonymous said...

You can't have too much Tupperware. Thanks, Kathy

Qtpies7 said...

Who doesn't love Tupperware?! I was a manager a long time ago. My husband calls me a "Recovering Tupperware Addict" but there really is no recovery.

Ronnica said...

This would be great! My roommate and I are still a little low on dishes, etc.

Stacy said...

I love Tupperware, its so durable.

amyd76 said...

I just went through my cabinet and got rid of all my yucky plastic stuff! I could sure use this!

Sky said...

Tupperware is just great stuff! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

That's a fancy bowl. You can never have too much tupperware.

Unknown said...

count me in.

A Christian Mom said...

What a neat little bowl! Good luck with all your entries this week!

N said...

I love green Tupperware....count me in!

michelle said...

I can always use more Tupperware. We use it daily around our house.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I would love some more tupperware!!
=) melanie

CrystalGB said...

I am a fan of Tupperware. Count me in.

Mrs. Sara said...

Yay, Tupperware! Please count me in!

saharagreen at

SmilingSally said...

Who doesn't like Tupperware!


Carey said...

This would be perfect for a salad to take to work

Jennifer said...

My mom used to sell tupperware 30 years ago and still has some of her original pieces.

Ginny said...

Love Tupperware! Haven't bought any since I used to sell it a few years ago. Love to win something new from them!

Claire Roach said...

Wow-that bowl looks so functional. I would love to try making caramel popcorn in it. :) Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I love tupperware, but haven't had the extra funds to buy much lately. It would be great to have a new bowl to take for lunch at works, and this one is awesome.


Marly said...

Tupperware has come a long way, huh? Thanks for the chance to win this bowl. I could sure use it! :)

jenny said...

wow i love to win this it would be realy grate thanks

Dani' said...

We could always use these!

Kathie B. said...

You should see my fridge & pantry = gotta love Tupperware! Visit my site too.

amanda said...

Wow! This would be great!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Looks very handy. Please enter me!

Unknown said...

Count me in!

joy said...

Who doesn't love tupperware!

Christi S said...

I'd love to have this! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

You can never have too many useful containers. thanks for the give!

littleonesstore (at) gmail (dot) com

Tammy said...

I found that no matter what cheapie containers I try to use - I always end up back with my lovely tupperware! Thanks for the chance!

Laurel said...

oh i have a ton of small containers, but i'm dreadfully short on big ones!

3boyzmom said...

I could totally use this in the kitchen!! We have lots of the cheapie pretendo Tupperware, but it just doesn't do the trick like real Tupperware does!!

Erin said...

You can never have too many tupperware containers! Sign me up, please! :)

buzzd said...

I could use this!

Nicol said...

You can never have enough tupperware containers and it happens to be a fact that I am needing some new ones. This would be perfect!

nicolmontero at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This would come in so handy! Thanks for such a useful giveaway!

Kimberly said...

Awesome! Thank you for a cool prize giveaway!

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Kyra said...

MIcrowave safe?!?!? I would LOVE to win this!

Kristofer said...

Love the bowl! Thanks for having this drawing! Kristen

Faith said...

Tupperware has such great products!! Thank you for having this drawing. :)

Anonymous said...

OOOH! I really need that bowl!

Yarni Gras! said...

thank you for hosting....Tupperware still ROCKS!

Unknown said...

With all the knock-off brands nowadays ( and I've tried most of them) Tupperware still is the tops! Thanks!

Lisa said...

Now who dosen't love tupperware, this is awsome.

Heather said...

I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance!

fortyb4forty said...

I love Tupperware and green is a color I don't have.

Tara said...

LOVE-LOVE-LOVE tupperware!

fivewinks said...

This would be great. Thanks.
fivewinks at cox dot net

EB said...

Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

It looks so much better than the disposable zip-lock bowls I use. :)

Sommer said...

pick me

Unknown said...

OH I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Tupperware. I use to sell it eons ago. I would love to win this one.

Katie said...

Would love to win. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Kiy said...

Ohhhh, Tupperware. Count me in! :)

HDMac said...

Thank you for this opportunity! I love Tupperware!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me


Come enter my contest..
Lesson plans Choose from Apples,
2008 Election or math games

Kristan said...

My husband makes fun of me for how much I love containers. :)

Mim said...

This is my fav T-ware product! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Tupperware is amazing product! I would love to own this. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Tupperware is a great product and I'd like to win this.

mom2boys said...

I love tupperware. Please count me in on this one. Thanks!

Beth said...

Oh, very pretty and useful, too! Count me in!

Maggie said...

This looks great! Thanks!!

Someone Being Me said...

Awesome! I love Tupperware. Please count me in. Make sure to stop by and enter my giveaway as well.

Jennifer said...

Please count me in. I just love Tupperware products.

Anonymous said...

You cannot have too much tupperware. Thanks.

Ames said...

Such a pretty bowl :) I've actually got NO tupperware in my house right now - can you believe it?!?!?!?! I would love to get some though :)

Brandy said...

It just doesn't get any better than green tupperware! Love it!

Great giveaway...



Kama said...

Cool, I love tupperware! You can never have too much, right?

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

This is wonderful for my lunches when I go to work! Heating up soup in the Colorado winter is so wonderful!!!

Karen Coutu said...

I love Tupperware! I only own a couple of pieces so far. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.

Hope you can stop by to enter in mine!


Tanya said...

Enter me in - thanks!

Anonymous said...

Tupperware IS the best! Thanks for participating in the giveaway!


April said...

I love Tupperware!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have more Tupperware! I only have two items!

Anonymous said...

I haven't owned a new piece of tupperware in years. This is awesome. Thanks for much for the chance to win this.

Anonymous said...

Pick me, pick me!

kamewh said...

What a great bowl!

torinem said...

What a great container! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love Tupperware and would LOVE to win this!
Thanks a bunch

Suzanne said...

I can always use more tupperware!

danandmarsh said...

Who doesn't love tupperware!! Count me in for this bowl!!

ali said...

please enter me. that looks neat to try

Hélène said...

This sounds very handy.

Unknown said...

I love the green color! Thanks so much!

Marlene McGarrity said...

Tupperware is awesome. It's not sold by anyone here in NY, but I use the website to get it sometimes.

Dawn said...

Wonderful prize.....Thank you for doing the give-away.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be entered in this giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

This bowl looks great! I was cutting up watermelon yesterday and didn't have a bowl to store it all in... this bowl would have been perfect to use!


Lori said...

Fun! Count me in. ;)

(crossing fingers....)

Kristine said...

Looks very useful!

mommyneedstherapy at gmail dot com

Positively Peaches said...

You can never have to much tupperware especially in my home. Even better it is microwaveable. Thanks for the giveaway.

Be Thou Exalted said...

I love tupperware! Thanks!

Kathy said...

Can't go wrong with Tupperware!

Springjoy said...

alaskawildrose At

This looks so neat. :)

Anonymous said...

I heart Tupperware

Unknown said...

Tupperware is also welcome around here :)

hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

Amanda Moore said...

I LOVE tupperware because all of the products I have used of theirs is AMAZING. I would love to win this bowl and add it to my collection of tupperware. GOD Bless!

Lana said...

How adorable! I love the color!

Alaina said...

Tupperware is so great!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Great giveaway! Thanks so much!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Ooh, I don't have anything like this. Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win! :) == internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com

Sincerely Iowa said...

I saw this at a Tupperware party I went to a few weeks ago. I'd love to win this!

Jennifer Beaver said...

Tupperware rocks!


heidi @ ggip said...

I am a huge tupperware girl! Thanks so much for the contest. To anyone out there, this is a great product!

Lori said...

Well since I just got rid of most of my "bad" plastic containers,this would really come in handy.

ashley said...

THanks for the cool giveaway!

Jen said...

How nice...please count me in. I love Tupperware.

Dixie said...

What a great prize. So many uses for this.


Teri said...

Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway! I would love to add this to my stash! :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks so much!

Sign me up. ( :


odomfamilyfun said...

Great! That would be perfect in my kitchen :)

"Deal"icious Mom said...

Thanks - Hope I win!

Sarah G said...

I'd use it!

Dave said...

Tupperware is awesome. Thanks for the giveaway.

Yelowflower said...

tupperware is always good.

Wehaf said...

This looks great, and since it is designed for the microwave I don't have to wrry about safety!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I'm in need of some new storage stuff! The things I have are looking rough. Hope to win!

Maureen said...

Hmm looks interesting!

Anonymous said...

Love Tupperware! Hope to win. Thanks for the great giveaway.

carol said...

love tupperware,love,love,love it!!
Please enter me!!

Anonymous said...

Can never have too much tupperware


"J" said...

Please enter me! I love Tupperware and I don't have this! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to win!!!!! =)

Thanks for the GREAT giveaway!!!!!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Oooo, I love Tupperware ANYthing!! This looks so great!

Gardening Mommy said...

I have one of those small single serve "Rock 'n Serve" pieces and we use it all the time! Thanks for the giveaway!

HisBeloved said...

I love Tupperware. Please, please, please enter me in your giveaway!!!

mamaredhead said...

Oh cool bowl!!! Please toss my name in the hat! :)

Sue said...

Would love to give one of these a try. My friend has one and loves it!

Thanks so much,

Anonymous said...

Coooool!!! That bowl looks awesome :)

Lana said...

I love the Rock'N Serves!

Unknown said...

Ohhhh anything that you can use in the microwave I am game for! Count me in

Dee said...

who couldnt use more tupperware??

Amy said...

How fun! I would LOVE this! We are in the process of re-building our tupperware supply (WHERE does it all go?), and this would be great!

Uniquely Yours said...

I love Tupperware!

The Random Muse said...

I am working on outfitting my own kitchen for the first time; some tupperware would be lovely.

Kim said...

Who can't use more tupperware??? I know that I sure could use some. You can either contact me through my blog, the email listed there or at kimmorrow @

Theresa N. said...

I could really use this.
Theresa N

Unknown said...

Oh how kewl. I love it! ppreacherswife at gmail dot com

Meredith said...

This would be great for one of the many pasta salads my mom and I make together! They are very yummy and always go in the fridge, therefore needing a container!


Michelle said...

Please enter me- I'd like to have one of these bowls! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm always up for free Tupperware!

Erin said...

What a great giveaway - I would love to win! :)

Jinxy and Me said...

What a useful prize!

sassy2 said...

Something with a lid that works for the microwave, yeah! said...


Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

Love Rock N Serve - so perfect for making instant mashed potatoes and for frozen veggies in the microwave. One of Tupperware's best products!

I've blogged back about you also:

shaunjoy said...

Great giveaway -- love tupperware!

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

Don't have one ..could see myself using one ;D

Suzie Williams said...

I'd love to win this bowl. I like tupperware stuff.

Lindsey said...

Never can have too much tupperware! Count me in! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering me in your drawing. If I win I'm still keeping moms; I still want to have the phone call not to forget to return hers.

iminit2win at aol dot com

my2boyz said...

This would be a great thing to win!!

purplepassion126 said...

Awesome--could always use more Tupperware!

jennieb said...

I love tupperware! Just hosted a party 2 weekends ago. This would go great with all the new pieces I just bought :)

Stephanie said...

I sooooo need this!

Joy said...

Ahhhh! I need tupperware so badly! I hope I win and thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Please enter me in your contest I would love to win this bowl.

Erica said...

Woot Woot! I could use this!

Anonymous said...

Love Love Tupperware!

Stephanie said...

Thank you for the opportunity!

Rebecca said...

I just LOVE Tupperware!! Thanks for offering a great prize!!

Christie said...

Who couldn't use Tupperware! Count me in please!!!

mulltc said...

This would come in handy - Thanks!

Nancy M. said...

I would love a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love it! Thank you for the opportunity!

cdmtx said...

great bowl! Thanks!! :)

Amy said...

There's no such thing as too much tupperware!!


Cherie J said...

Please enter me. Thank you!


The Beauty Bug said...

Love that Green Color!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway! Please enter me!

Suz said...

Would love to have this to use in my kitchen, so practical!

Crochetcillin Addict said...

I love practical gifts and this is definitely one!! Love it!

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

Anything for the kitchen is an awesome prize in my book! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice prize!

B's Mom said...

I used to be a Tupperware rep and over the years have lost almost every single piece of Tupperware I had at that time. I'm in desperate need of storage bowls etc. and don't even have a bowl this large. The fact that it is microwaveable is a big bonus. Please enter me in your drawing!

Lift Up Your Hearts said...

I keep hearing how great these are! What a smart giveaway!

Smellyann said...

Thanks, I hope I win! Stop by and enter mine, too!

InnaC said...

Great giveaway!

Amity said...

This looks really neat ..please enter me!!

Anonymous said...

I could use this tupperware bowl, especially with all the potlucks I attend.

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