Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies

We found the bags of peanut butter cookies on sale. So we bought a bag, mixed it up and then added Hershey Kisses in the middle. While these are not quite as good as those made from scratch, they were all eaten by the next day.

Audrey :)


  1. Oh, man! I made peanut butter cookies this weekend. AND I had a bag of kisses. I cannot believe I didn't think to put the two together.

    I am so sad now.

  2. These are great little treasures. And, I loved the brand, kiss cookies. Clever idea, maybe it helps a hit on Valentines:)

  3. Ilike easy things cool

  4. We love these too. I can't make it from scratch ever. I try, but I stink at homemade peanut butter cookies. We buy the mix when it is on sale and usually buy some kisses after a holiday when they all go on clearance. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  5. My husband loves anything that is peanut butter and chocolate.


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