Monday, June 01, 2009

New Tupperware Contest

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-06-15 15:17:45 UTC

Congratulations to Jammie!!

Would you like to win these Tupperware Cereal Bowls? You'll win this set of four bowls with lids.

For your first mandatory entry, leave a comment with your favorite cereal.

Want extra entries?

1. Blog about this contest and put the URL of the post into a new comment
2. Either follow me publicly or tell me you already follow me in a new comment
3. Friend request me on Facebook Post in a comment that you've friend requested me. If we're already friends on Facebook, just let me know in a comment.
4. Subscribe via email to this blog and let me know in a comment. If you already subscribe let me know in a comment.
5. Place an order on my Tupperware site and leave 3 comments saying "I ordered." Yes, you'll get 3 extra entries.

Contest open to those over age 18 with a U.S. mailing address. Contest ends June 14th, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. pacific time.

Audrey :)


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Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

I love Tupperware yay! My fav cereal has to be Fruit Loops..kinda fits my personality sometimes too I'm

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

I follow :)

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Not sure if this counts but add it to my Blog header bar "Current Giveaways", if not no worries you can delete this post :)







Audrey... said...

I love chocolate rice krispies.. because then you get chocolate milk afterwords! (yes I'm still a kid at heart!)

Audrey... said...

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Audrey... said...

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janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I sent message for friend request - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I forgot to say that Cheerios are my favorite cereal.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Alison said...

my favourite cereal is heritage grains

Anonymous said...

my favorite cereal is raisin bran.

Deb said...

My favorite cereal is Froot Loops - without milk, since I'm allergic to milk. :)

Deb K said...

My favorite cereal is Trix~I know it's a kids cereal..:)

JACLYN said...

My kids love Cookie Crisp.

Anonymous said...


paryjeja said...

Wheat Chex
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

crossinmama said...

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Amanda said...

I really like kashi strawberry fields cereal.

Joanmurraycefalu said...

Nothing beats plain old Cherrios! :)

Kristen said...

I'm a sucker for Cocoa Puffs. I have even hidden them in the house so no one else will eat them. *ashamed*
Thanks for the giveaway!

Denise S. said...

Honey Nut Cheerios for me!

Anonymous said...

kellog's corn flakes

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

I just subscribed. My favorite right now is Quaker Oatmeal. I like Apple's n Cinnamon, Maple flavor, and Cinnamon.

jennifer march said...

I love Frosted Flakes.

Shelly said...

I'd have to say my favorite cereal is Captain Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch, but the kids and Hubby usually finish the box before I get any:)

Shelly said...

I'm now following. I was here to do that anyway through MBC follow me club

Shelly said...

Sending friendship request through FB now (Rachele Bennett)

Sue said...

I love Cracklin' Oat Bran. Thanks for the giveaway~

cookiert said...

I love Captain Crunch!

Jenn S. said...

Life cereal is my favorite.

Sue E said...

My favorite cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios with a sliced banana. Thanks for the giveaway!

cstironkat said...

I like Wheaties.

Anonymous said...

I love Cream of Wheat.

ProjectHope7 said...

love Kashi Go Lean cereals and the new Kashi honey sunrise one!

cathy b
project hop e7 at gmail dot com

ProjectHope7 said...

I subscribe via email!

cathy b
project hop e7 at gmail dot com

ProjectHope7 said...

I follow your blog!

cathy b
projecthope7 at gmail dot com

Maleesa said...

I like life cereal!

joni said...


ProjectHope7 said...

I am following your blog!
( and will contact you soon about THP)

cathy b
project hop e7 at gmail dot com

Ellen C. said...

My favorite cereal would be fruity pebbles. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

sweepmom said...

I love Frosted Mini wheats - vanilla flavor.

clc408 said...

My favorite cereal is Grape Nuts. Thanks for the chance.

GALENA said...


Anonymous said...

I looooooove Lucky Charms!


cathiem said...

MY fav--Frosted Mini-Wheats.

randio said...

I like Honey Nut Cheerios!

tatertot374 said...

My favorite cereal is Special K Vanilla Almond. Very yummy. Thank you for the chance

D Q said...

My favorite cereal is Frosted Mini Wheats.

PheMom said...

Well, now that I am all grown up, I like Banana Nut Crunch - but when I was a kid I remember for a little while there was a Dunkin' Donuts cereal - it wasn't around for too long, but oh how I loved it when we could find it!

samarcy said...

i love frosted flakes!! and im in my 4o,s LOL

mvbarton said...

Honey Nut Cheeerios rule!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love Cocoa Pebbles.

lilacbutterfly [at]

Anonymous said...

My fav is cracklin oat bran... yum. Makes me want to go eat some.

Anonymous said...

following =) Thanks for the chance to win!

5webs said...

Lucky Charms, or Grape Nuts--depends on my mood
Alicia Webster

Jennifer C. said...

My favorite cereal is Special K with strawberries! By the way, Tupperware cereal bowls are my favorite storage container!

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Stephanie said...

My favorite is Total with honey clusters!

Jennifer C. said...

I follow your blog!

Stephanie said...

I follow!

Stephanie said...

I subscribed via email.

marthajane said...

Cap'n Crunch is my all time favorite cereal.

denyse said...

I love Total.

debiwelbon said...

raisen bran crunchy - I had some when I got home from work today

Nica0326 said...

I love Vanilla and chocolate cereals.

Valerie said...

Life Cereal
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com

Jay said...

We are "frugal" and always get whatever we like best that is B1G1. Some faves are Frosted Mini wheats and life. Thanks!

Lisa said...

I know I should pick something more healthy and mature, but I love Corn Pops.

Sunnyvale said...

I like all kids, flake, square, right now I'm eating Cheerios. I NEED to replace my cereal bowls.

llinda29 said...

Raison brand is my fave

Anonymous said...

I love Fruity Pebbles!!!! Thanks!

Deborah Wellenstein said...

Oatmeal! and Wheaties! Thank you!

drugchemist said...

I love Trader Joe's cereal with the dark chocolate shavings. I know... so healthy =) But sooo yummy =)

drugchemist said...

I subscribe.

mogrill said...

Cocoa Puffs are my favorite cereal. Thanks for the chance.

Carol EL said...

Frosted Mini Shredded Wheat is my favorite cereal.

Carol EL said...

E-mail subscriber.

Carol EL said...

Blog follower.

Carol EL said...

Facebook friend. jelly15301

Shawna said...

My favorite cereal is probably Strawberry Honey Bunches of Oats. I could eat those all day!

Thanks for the great giveaway.

shawna at couponladyonline dot com

Shawna said...

I'm a follower

shawna at couponladyonline dot com

tawndam said...

my fav cereal is Frosted Mini Spooners... (I'm too cheap to buy the mini wheats... lol)

js22 said...

I love oatmeal - with added raisins brown sugar and cinnamon - yum!

Thanks for the giveaway!

email in blogger profile.

js22 said...

I follow your blog.

email in blogger profile.

js22 said...

I friend requested you on Facebook - Joanne Schultz .

email in blogger profile.

Tiffani said...

I love Frosted Flakes. Never lets me down.

tifg45 at

Lauren said...

Favourite cereal here is raisin bran :D

Marilyn said...

I love mini wheat cereal, love tupperware, thanks for the chance to win some

barbara said...

I like Life Cereal.

Emmy Coffee said...

I'm embarrassed to say that my favorite is Captain Crunch!
(Of course I buy Kashi or Oatmeal but it still holds a special place in my heart)

***Sharon*** said...

I don't even know what to choose. Cereal is like CRACK to me! It's all so good...esp. the ones that are bad for you! But I'll pick just one..."Just Bunches" in honey and almond flavor!

Emmy Coffee said...

I'm a new follower

Jinxy and Me said...

I love Frosted Flakes.

Sandy said...

I love Kashi Strawberry Fields cereal

Sandy said...

I follow your blog.

auntrene said...

I have two favorite kinds of cereal.. Kind of embarassed to admit the first one.. I am old.. but I love Peanut Butter Captain Crunch.. it is Yummy!
I also love Frosted MIni wheats(seems more old lady cereal)
Thanks for the chance, the bowls are super cute.

Terra Heck said...

My favorite cereal is Lucky Charms. Thanks.

esper_d said...

fiber one caramel

Anonymous said...

Shredded mini-wheats.

Danielle said...

It really depends on my mood, but it is a toss up between Cocoa Pebbles and Frosted Mini-Wheats.

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com

Annmarie Weeks said...

My favorite cereal is Life!

Angela said...

I love Cookie Crisp! Works great as a midnight snack too. :)

daytoncat said...

My favorite cereal is raisin bran!

Tamara B. said...

My favorite cereal is Multi Grain Cheerios.

Tamara B. said...

I friend requested you on Facebook

Heidi said...

I love Reece's Puffs!!

Melissa said...

My favorite cereal is Honeycomb.


Shelly Leatham said...

My favorite cereal is Special K with Red Berries! The hard part is keeping it away from my daughter!

Shelly Leatham said...

Follow publicly on blogger!

Shelly Leatham said...

Friend request on facebook(shelly leatham)

Shelly Leatham said...

I'm an email subscriber too!

Anonymous said...

My all time favorite cereal is Kellogg's frosted corn flakes. Writing this post makes me want a bowl. Yummy

Anonymous said...

i subscribe

Anonymous said...

i follow

Gosfam said...

I love cereal so I don't have one particular fave, but for tonight Cocoa Krispies or Honey Bunches of Oats.

Gosfam said...

I follow

alovelymadness said...

Cool bowls. My favorite cereal is my home made Maple walnut granola.

andrea v said...

regular life cereal is my favorite

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

My favorite cereal is frosted flakes.

vboackle said...

i like corn chex.

purplegengar said...

My fav is Quisp. It's yummy and retro.

chromiumman said...

my fave cereal is raisin bran

Dave said...

My favorite cereal changes on a fairly regular basis, but right now I am digging the new Honey Kix. Thank you for the great give-away.

Marie said...

If I'm trying to be good it's Raisin Bran -- if I'm cheating and eating the kids cereal then it's Captain Crunch :-)

Marie said...

I am a follower.

Kim said...

my fave is Raisin Bran!

Kim said...


Kim said...


Cindy B.of Montana said...

Impressed with all the new things Tupperware has added since the last time I looked!

My favorite cereal is Rice Krispies.

Cindy B.of Montana said...

I follow.

Cindy B.of Montana said...

E-mail subscriber.

Unknown said...

Honey Clusters is my favorite cereal.

Unknown said...

Blogged about it here:

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Sent a Facebook friend request

Unknown said...

Fruity Pebbles are my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Monday through Saturday, my dear husband has oatmeal waiting at my place, when I get up. What a wonderful treat that is. Then on Sundays I make eggs and toast and juice for the two of us.

May Schultz

Ladytink_534 said...

My favorite cereal is Honey Bunches of Oats and Frosted Mini Wheats. Need some tupperware!


Reyna Meinhardt said...

I would love to have the chance to win :) My favorite cereal would have to be...almound crunch! Mmmm

I will now follow!

KR said...

Rice Krispies!!


Deborah said...

my favorite cereal is Multi-Grain Cheerios. asthenight at gmail dot com

Nia said...

My favorite cereal at the moment is Blueberry frosted mini wheats and Life. It changes by mood though. Not long ago it was corn pops and crispix.

jetta1975 said...

I enjoy eating Fruity Pebbles!

Becky said...

I guess mine changes with my mood, but most of the time it's Raisin Bran.

sweetsue said...

Captain Crunch with Crunchberries is the best!
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said...

I am now following you!
smchester at gmail dot com

B said...

I have one of these, a friend gave it to me. I could use more because it is my favorite and I use it all the time! They are perfect for kids.

Favorite cereal, this is going to sound totally weird, but I don't eat cereal. For breakfast I always eat leftovers.

Celeste said...

I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch! :)

contact me at:

Megret said...

Oh, I'd love to win these!
My favorite cereal is plain old Cheerios. Thanks!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Smooshy said...

honey nut cheerios!

*~Dani~* said...

Definitely Honey Nut Cheerios followed closely by Frosted Mini Wheats!

Julie said...

mine is Frosted Flakes

Julie said...

I just started following you through blogger

Julie said...

I am a new subsriber through

joni chadwell said...

chex (corn)

Marianna said...

I love Cracklin Oat Bran!

jennymartin116 said...

I love Wheaties if healthy and Reeses puffs if being bad!

Pat said...

My favorite is Barbara's Shredded Oats.
pkildow at gmail dot com

Sylvia said...

I like frosred miniwheats

Selina said...

I love Tupperware...and I love Captain Crunch Peanut Butter cereal. Now I'm hungry!!! Thanks for the chance. iclipalso(at)yahoo(dot)com

Carol W. said...

I like Kashi Good Friends cereal with the addition of fresh fruit.

wolfcarol451 at gmail dot com

Carol W. said...

I subscribe by email.

wolfcarol451 at gmail dot com

Katie Fiorella said...

I like honey nut cheerios!

jeanine said...

i LOVE raisin bran crunch!

jeanine said...

i subscribe via email.

Anonymous said...

My favorite cereal is Special K! Thanks for the giveaway!

luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I still love Captain Crunch!

Patty said...

My favorite cereal is rice krispies, especially when they are rice krispie bars!

monky said...

I gotta have my pops (corn pops) :-)

:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

Ken said...

Just today I had Frosted Mini Spooners Malt-O-Meal cereal. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

msrodeobrat said...

i love special K and lucky charms!

Saoder said...

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Anonymous said...

My favorite cereal is cinnamon toast crunch!!

Anonymous said...

Following your blog!

Anonymous said...

friend requested on fbook (brittany preston farris)

Anonymous said...

subscribed to your site!

smdrm said...

My favorite cereal is Great Grains with raisins and pecans.

Unknown said...

I love Tupperware - great giveaway - also our favorite cereal is Rice Chex..

Unknown said...

I follow you!

Colleen said...

Cocoa Krispies!


Caroline F said...

Honey Graham O's

fishercl at email dot unc dot edu

Anonymous said...

My favorite cereal is Chex multi-grain.

idahomom said...


erma said...

My fav ceral is golden grahams.

taylorbagels said...

Honey Bunches of Oats.

taylorbagels said...

I am now following you publicly!

taylorbagels said...

I'm already a subscriber by email.

darlanpaulsmamma said...

my favorie cereal is Honey Bunches of Oats!

darlanpaulsmamma said...

blog follower publicly
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

subscribe to your blog in email
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

Meet the Browns said...

My fave is Wholegrain Cheerios!


Meet the Browns said...

I follow on Blogger :)


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

My favorite is Frosted Flakes!

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

I am subscribed.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

I subscribe.

Beverley said...

My favorite cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios.

covercover said...

My favorite cereal is plain toasted rolled oats


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